Sunday, May 17, 2009

What the?

James is such a really can't take your eyes off of him for 1.2 seconds! He's very fast and very strong, so you'd be amazed what this kid can do. And I'm not just saying that bc he's my "perfect" child...James' teachers will say the same thing!'ll find him standing on the back of the couch trying to scale the wall, picking up the leather ottoman, riding his bike off of the couch and doing a back just never know what this child will do! Although this isn't dare-devilish, this is how I found him today. I had no idea where he was..all I heard was his little giggle. Yes folks, he was laying on the window ledge. Just seconds later, he was standing on it (on his tippy toes) on jumping off. I have a feeling there will be a few trips to the ER in our future!

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