Sunday, March 22, 2009

"Night Night, Lenny"

James certainly loves his brother. He even hugged him good night, and covered him with his blanket (DeeDee). I'm not so sure the love is reciprocated at seen in Lenny's face.

Did I miss my mouth?

James hasn't been the biggest fan of eating these days! He would prefer to rub the food into his hair, or even more fun....throw it all over the kitchen. I was shocked to hear at his 2 year doc appointment, that he weighed 29 lbs (50th %) and was 34 1/2 inches (75th %). So he's definitely moving up in the charts.

The Climbing Wall

Word to the wise....don't leave this child even for one second!! This is how I found him when I returned from the laundry room ( I was gone for merely a minute!). He is standing on the back of a chair, hanging off the wall! Lenny only thinks that he's hiding from his brother...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Nice Abs!

We're Back!

Hello family and friends!
It's been quite some time since my last post. Sorry about that. It's been a busy few months, coupled with some home computer problems. But all is well. My computer is fixed, and we are ready to post!

Within the past few months, James has learned MANY more words (some not so nice!) and is speaking in almost complete sentences! This past weekend, he moved into his "Big Boy" toddler bed. We were anticipating some sleepless nights due to the transition, but when we put him to bed on Saturday night, he didn't even notice. He went right to sleep. But when he awoke on Sunday morning, we heard him say in the monitor "UH OH...BROKEN!". Poor guy thought his bed was broken. Pretty cute. Tonight will be his 4th night in his new toddler bed, so far so good.
I promise to be more on top of the posts..especially now that Mr James is turning 2 next week! His big Par-tay is this Saturday...can't wait to see everyone!!!