Sunday, November 9, 2008

Trick or Treat...monkey feet...

This was James' first year trick or treating! He was a rolly polly monkey...even though some people thought he was a bear?! Learn your animals, people! Anyways, we thought the costume was fitting since he's obsessed with nanananana's. (banana's).
Luckily, James has his cousins show him how it's done! He got the hand of it after a few houses...but then had his fill and decided to hitch a ride in the wagon. Rather than saying "Trick or Treat", he was more polite and said "Pleeeaaz". We had so much fun watching him, and I can only imagine it will get more adventurous as the years go on.


Jen said...

how cute! Love the costume. Can't wait to see what James will be next year.

Oh btw...Stephanie I really like your shirt.

Shirley said...

He is so adorable strutting his monkey stuff!!