Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The BEST song EVER!

Who says you can't dance to show tunes??? For some reason, whenever James hears the theme song for The Office, he just starts ripping up the floor! Mark and I just crack up. When ever we watch this show, no matter what James' current mood, he'll stop....start laughing....smiling..and dancing! He's the happiest baby (or toddler I should say) when he hears this song!! Not sure why. Even at only a few months of age, he'd have the biggest smile on his face. He must share the same sense of humor as his Momma and Dada.


Shirley said...

That boy has rhythm!!! Go James!
Wait til Emma sees his moves. LOL

KBknutson said...

Great moves!

Anonymous said...

Sure doesn't get his dance moves from his Daddy!

Connellys said...

Awesome! I love all the updates!! Such a cutie - we should have a dance party since Avery loves to dance too!

Jenny said...

What a stud!