Sunday, January 27, 2008

Walking, Take 2

Here's James "walking" with his toy airplane from Grammy. He's a pro at this now!

By the way, does my voice really sound like that???


KBknutson said...

Wow! He's getting so big! We hope we get to see you guys soon so James doesn't confuse his Christmas present with his birthday present!!

Connellys said...

Way to go James! You are so advanced - and Noah will be very excited about that because he can't wait to have a buddy to run around with!

And nice work on the "big people food." Makes life a bit easier for mom and dad!

Anonymous said...

Hi James

Grandma & Grandpa are really proud of you. We can't believe how fast you are growing. Can't wait for your first birthday party.

Grandma & Grandpa Bucholz