I know this blog entry is almost shocking to my very faithful blogging friends...but I figured it was time. Better now then never, right?!
The past 10 months have been CRAZY! Crazy busy, sometimes stressful, but just plain amazing and wonderful! We are so blessed that so many wonderful things/events have graced our life in the past 10 months. To start it off....
In April, we sold our townhouse!!!!!!!! It was quite a shock for Mark and I, as it was on the market on and off for 3 years! 3 years of keeping the house clean...showing ready...and zero offers. Zilch! Then out of nowhere, the week after Easter, we had a second showing...then an offer!!! After a few days of negotiating, it was SOLD! It was almost too good to be true...but off we went a few days later to find our new home. And we found it! Not far from our stomping grounds in Batavia...just a few miles up the road in Geneva! We loved it the second we walked in and prayed that the negotiations would go smoothly. After literally 3 days of straight negotiations, the sellers finally were sick of me (realtor's words) and gave us the price that we pushed for. That was in April and we had to wait until June 25th for moving day. It seemed like it was an eternity at the time, but we are here and loving our new house. It's still a bit empty, but we have plenty of time to fill it!!!
Speaking of filling it, we are expecting our second child!!!!!! I'm almost 14 weeks and just starting to feel somewhat normal again. I THOUGHT that the morning sickness was bad with James..boy, was I mistaken! It hit me like a rock just before 6 weeks and literally didn't stop full force until about a week ago. I vomited non stop for weeks. (sorry, that's gross). I could barely eat, yet I'm gaining weight like a sumo wrestler. I still can't eat or even look at meat of any kind, but I'm starting to get my appetite back and had my first veggie today! Carrots with dip! So odd for me since I love veggies...but this baby took a toll on me and wouldn't let me eat anything except for cheese (grilled cheese especially), watermelon, nectarines, chocolate milk, and bread. But now as I'm approaching the second trimester, I'm starting to not feel sick 24/7. I just deal with bad bouts here and there. Hopefully in a few weeks, I'll be 100% . We are so excited and feel so blessed that this pregnancy happened so quickly. The baby is due April 21st...easter weekend. We've had 2 ultrasounds already and everything looks perfect! The baby is actually measuring about 5 days ahead of schedule but that could change with time. We can't wait to find out the gender! Hopefully we'll know just before Christmas or so! We would be thrilled with either. A boy- that's what we know and it would be so great for James to have a brother. Plus, everything that we have is for boy! A girl- it's something different and Lord knows how I love to shop...especially for girl's clothes! I need someone to go with me for mani's and pedi's someday! We just feel blessed that we are welcoming a 2nd child into this world next year, and all we can pray for is that he/she is healthy. We can't wait to see that little face.
3rd blessing- Jennifer and Jason are married!!!!! September 25, 2010 was their big day. And what a wedding! It was honestly a fairy tale wedding and I was so blessed to stand beside them as they became man and wife. They are honestly such an amazing couple and you can certainly see and feel the love they have for each other so we couldn't be happier. Jason has been a part of our family for almost 9 years now, so we already love him like a family member. But now it's official! I still need to upload my pictures...so next post will be wedding pic's.
So that sums up the amazing 2010 Mark and I have expereinced. We couldn't be happier and thank God every day for our blessings. Life is good.