Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The BEST song EVER!

Who says you can't dance to show tunes??? For some reason, whenever James hears the theme song for The Office, he just starts ripping up the floor! Mark and I just crack up. When ever we watch this show, no matter what James' current mood, he'll stop....start laughing....smiling..and dancing! He's the happiest baby (or toddler I should say) when he hears this song!! Not sure why. Even at only a few months of age, he'd have the biggest smile on his face. He must share the same sense of humor as his Momma and Dada.

Happy Father's Day!!

Happy Father's Day to all of our wonderful father's in our life...Poppa Bathon, Grandpa Bucholz, and of course Da-da himself! Thank you for everything that you do! James and I couldn't be any more blessed. We love you all very much!
We spent Father's Day at Grandma and Grandpa Bucholz's for a terrific dinner! James had so much fun, running around with his cousins! He had a particular liking for the play house and the stone goose!
We can't wait to see Poppa Bathon in a few weeks over July 4th! We are counting down the days!!

Take me out to the Ball game...

James is the cutest Sox fan that I've ever seen! He already watches the games on TV and is mesmerized! I think we have a future ball player on our hands. He currently throws a ball with both we aren't quite sure if he's a lefty or a righty. Perhaps he'll play at Notre Dame like his Poppa? Benedictine like his Dada?? There is just way too much to look forward to!!! :)

Sweet Tooth

Someone has a love for icing, just like his Mommy.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Walk with Daddy

Last weekend, James and Daddy went for a walk to our local Caribou coffee. Daddy said that it was quite a long walk since James had to stop to touch every leaf along the way. James is very interested in what everything is now a days. He points to EVERYTHING and says "this, this". We say what it is, he laughs, and we go to the next object. So far, he's saying more (ma), Lenny (Na-neee), doggie (daw-dee),Dada, Mama, and this (diss). He may be saying other things but it's hard to decipher. Every animal is a daw-dee at this point. It's amazing to watch him develop so rapidly! He's learning so much every day. He's such a smart and adorable little boy!