Sunday, January 27, 2008

Walking, Take 2

Here's James "walking" with his toy airplane from Grammy. He's a pro at this now!

By the way, does my voice really sound like that???

Just James

What can I say about this picture..other than "adorable"!!

Fun with Table Food

Here is James after dinner last night. He sure is messy but had a great time! He's now eating buttered pasta, diced carrots, shredded cheese, diced banana's, peaches, and bread. What a big boy!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Our little man..

Here's a video clip from back in June. It's amazing how quickly time flies. Hard to believe our little baby will be turning one in just 7 weeks! He's growing so much, and we just love him more and more everyday.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Poor Lenny..

All we can say is ...."Poor Lenny".

Breaking News!!!!!!

We have a WALKER!!!! Well, sort of. Tonight, James decided to take a few steps forward. Mark called me into the family room, and to my surprise, James was walking all around the room while holding onto his walker! Amazing! And he's barely 10 months old! We are so proud of him. And naturally, we feel he's so advanced for his age!
(Sorry for the short video clip..I ran out of memory)

9 Month Stats

We still have a little peanut on our hands. Here's the little man's stats:

Height- 28.5 in (40th percentile)

Weight- 18 lb 13 oz (10th percentile)

He may be small, but certainly has a big personality and is full of love! Here's a picture of his "fake" smile.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Merry Christmas to All......

Sorry for the delayed post. Time just seems to fly by these days.
Christmas 2007 was just such a wonderful time. It certainly makes a difference when you share the holiday season with your child. James had no idea what was going on, but it was still fun for well as the Grandparents. He absolutely loved the Christmas lights, the tree, singing carols on the way to daycare with Mommy, and of course all the wrapping paper! Not sure what he enjoyed more..the paper or the gifts?! In any event, he was certainly spoiled.
We spent Christmas with Poppa and Grammy Bathon in well as GG, Auntie Jen, Uncle Jason, Uncle Andrew, Uncle Tim, Uncle Dan, "GranDanny", & Auntie Talia. He received: Tickle Me Cookie Monster, Animal Train, Light up Ride on Airplane, Rattatouille, Bubble Lawnmower, Sports Center, Tool Bench, Bouncing Tiger, Light Up Rudolph,books, and about a million outfits. Mark and I were worried that we'd need to rent a Uhaul in order to get everything back to Chicago! Luckily, our SUV was packed to the brim, so we were able to get most home. We just had to strap Lenny to the roof. :) Just kidding.

A few days later, we celebrated with Grandma and Grandpa Bucholz, Uncle John, Carter, Devan, & Luke. He then received a John Deer Tractor, Lincoln Logs, some adorable outfits, and much more! Thank you to everyone for making his first Christmas so special for him, as well as for Mommy and Daddy.